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UW CORAL Web Front End - Definitions


These records specify the labs that exist in CORAL. The meanings fo the fields are as follows:


The identifier name of the lab/facility. Once set it never changes.
A brief (single paragraph) description of this facility.
Official Department
This is the department that operates the facility, from a legal perspective. Users agreements are made between the users and this department.
Contact Name
The name of the main contact for this facility.
Contact Email
The email address of the main contact for this facility.
Home URL
When a lab is set up, we copy this URL to get the style for the registration pages.
Wiki URL
If the facility has a separate wiki, its URL may be entered here.
Admin Contact(s)
A comma-separated list of email addresses that receive LAB-admin email.


Manual URL
The URL of the facility lab manual.
Opening Time
When "on hours" begins. This is assumed to be every work day, M-F.
Closing Time
When "on hours" ends. Note that these are both 24-hour times.


Require lab orientation
If set, card swipes, reservations and equipment enables require the user to hold the lab "orientation" role.
Manually import CAAMS logs
Include the CAAMS step in the billing cycle sequence.
Require secondary lab orientation
If set, card swipes, reservations and equipment enables require the user to hold the lab "secondary_orientation" role.
Use lab hours
If checked, on- and off-hours are treated differently. If not checked, all hours are considered "on hours".
Users can log other users out
If unchecked, users will not be able to disable equipment when another user has it enabled.
Ignore default billing
XXX what is this?
Collect card numbers
Whether card numbers should be collected during registration.
Collect publication IDs
Whether Thomson-Reuters ResearcherIDs and ORCIDs should be collected at registration time.
Registration includes courses
If checked, the registration system will offer users the option of choosing a defined "course" at registration time. See the Definitions>Registration Course tab.
Auto-approve registration proposal
If checked, users are auto-approved at the Proposal step.
Require grata role
Require that users hold the "grata" role at card swipe, equipment enable and reservation time.
Send reservation reminders
Send users reservation reminders 18 hours before the event, unless they opt out.
Require Location reservation at the beginning and end of Equipment reservation
A stated, when an equipment reservation is created, location reservations will also be created at the beginning and end of that reservation. If they cannot be created because of capacity constraints, the user will receive an error.
All remote projects require billing signoff
Do not allow invoices to be formed until staff have signed the project off. (Currently unused.)
Registration includes STF billing
Whether to include "STF" as a billing option during registration.
Registration includes 'undergraduate' billing
Whether to include "non-specific undergraduate use" as a billing option during registration.
Registration includes 'graduate student' billing
Whether to include "non-specific graduate student use" as a billing option during registration.
Create Staff Remote Tokens
Whether tokens will be created for staff noVNC access to instruments.
Create User Remote Tokens
Whether tokens will be created for user VNC access to instruments. (Currently unimplemented.)
Require covid role
If set, card swipes, reservations and equipment enables require the user to hold the lab "covid" role.
Eq Owners see Staff Tokens
Whether equipment owners also see the tokens generated for staff noVNC access to instruments.


Long Name
Introductory Name
This is the name used in registration when the facility is being introduced.
Add article to name?
Check this box if your lab is "the" lab, but not if it is not. E.g., if your facility is called Professor Doolittle's Lab, you probably don't want the article, but if it is called the Doolittle Lab, you probably do.
How this entity will be referred to in registration. Usually "lab" or "facility".
Use Agreement name for User
How the user is referred to in the user agreement. Typically "LAB USER".
Use Agreement name for Sponsor
How the sponsor is referred to in the user agreement. Typically "FACULTY USER".
Remote Users Do
How to describe remote users in the sentence "Remote users do not come into the facility, but merely &emdash;".
Registration Contact(s)
A comma-separated list of email addresses that receive LAB-registration email.


Internal Paper Agreement URL
The URL for the user agreement for internal users, in a printable form (usually PDF).
Internal Click-to-Accept URL
The URL for a user agreement that can be shown inside an IFRAME during user registration.
External Remote Paper Agreement URL
The URL for the user agreement for external remote users, in a printable form (usually PDF).
External On-Site Paper Agreement URL
The URL for the user agreement for external on-site users, in a printable form (usually PDF).
External On-Site Multi-User Agreement URL
The URL for the user agreement for multiple external on-site users from the same company, in a printable form (usually PDF).


Use equipment qualification for CAAMS notifications?
If checked, notifications are sent to the CAAMS contact whenever users gain the first or lose the last equipment qualification in a given location. If unchecked, users are expected to gain physical access some other way (usually through the registration process).
Send CAAMS notifications immediately?
If checked, the notifications are sent when the user(s) gain and lose qualification. (Note that qualification is generally lost in the middle of the night.) If unchecked, the notifications are batched and sent once a day at 4:50PM.
Default Location
The default Location of this lab.


Run Billing?
If checked, the billing processor for this lab will be run automatically every night to produce tentative invoices.
Budget #
Budget Name
Ext Budget #
Ext Budget Name
Ext Task
Ext Option
Ext Project
Transaction Code
Defaults to 60 (CTI) if not set or zero
Revenue Code
Journal Source
The Journal Source for AccountingJournal transactions, for labs which bill to Program Income budgets.
Revenue Worktag
The ISP designation for internal cost center recovery; or the grant worktag for AccountingJournal transactions.
Revenue Fund Name
The name of the cost center or grant associated with the given Revenue Worktag.
Revenue sub-Worktags
Other worktags to be provided to direct revenue for ISD transactions.
Ext Revenue Worktag
The worktag to be used for external revenue, if different from the internal revenue worktag.
Ext Revenue Fund Name
The name of the fund associated with the external revenue worktag.
Ext Revenue sub-Worktags
Other worktags to be provided with external invoices. (Unused.)
Box #
The box number to be printed on internal invoices.
Primary Billing Contact Email
The email address of the lab's primary billing contact.
Secondary Billing Contact Email
The email address of the lab's secondary billing contact.

Time Rounding

Grace (min)
How much time should be subtracted from a given activity before rounding. Typically zero.
Round Time To (min)
Activities are rounded to the nearest N minutes. The default is six (0.1 hours).
Minimum Time (min)
If after rounding an activity is below this threshold it will be "rounded up" to the threshold value.

Equipment Default Settings

All of these settings provide default values for the corresponding fields on the Definitions>Equipment tab.

User Idle Settings

User Max Idle (days)
How long a user can go without using the facility before they are subject to deactivation. See the Audit>Inactive>Users tab.
Post-Registration Max Idle (days)
How long a user may go after registration, if that user has never has any activity in the lab, before they are subject to deactivation.
PI Max Idle (days)
How long a PI can go with no users in the lab before it is subject to PI deactivation. Note that PIs may not really notice being deactivated and are seamlessly reactivated when they sponsor students, so this can be relatively short.


Whether the lab is current.
This controls whether this lab is selectable in user-facing tabs. Labs that are no longer in UW CORAL are hidden rather than being deleted altogether, because activity and role data depend on them.



This button allows hazard requirements to be set on a lab Hazard requirements apply to all instruments in a lab unless they are marked immune from hazards, and to all users, including staff.


The Locations button allows staff to assign locations to labs. Locations are meant to be physical spaces in which the instruments reside, though theoretically they could represent a hazard or policy classification rather than a physical location.


The templates button pops up a list of the email templates currently defined for this lab. Lab staff can edit these templates or create new templates as required.

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